ghirson: Food
ghirson: Sweet and Savory
ghirson: Quiche
ghirson: Around the table
ghirson: Antonia and Meredith
ghirson: Gentlemen cooking
ghirson: Tour
ghirson: Madeleine and the falling over bird house
ghirson: Barn
ghirson: Barn Owl
ghirson: Out into the country
ghirson: A Tour
ghirson: Ben and the Tobacco
ghirson: Madeleine
ghirson: Eating Eggs Benedict
ghirson: Antonia and Me
ghirson: Chatting
ghirson: Candles
ghirson: Hanging out
ghirson: Antonia and Martin
ghirson: Group reading of cosmo
ghirson: Tim reading Cosmo
ghirson: Setting up the croquet course
ghirson: Bud
ghirson: Croquet
ghirson: Antonia's block sculpture
ghirson: Antonia and her block sculpture
ghirson: Jonas