ghirson: Kristy gets the vine ready
ghirson: Scot
ghirson: Katie cleans
ghirson: Hanging lights
ghirson: Josh directs
ghirson: Rob and Leila chat
ghirson: Sarah sets
ghirson: Josh plugs in lights
ghirson: Shoshana and JP
ghirson: Putting together booklets
ghirson: Sachin cooks
ghirson: Winkler booklets
ghirson: Winkler booklet
ghirson: IMG_6341.JPG
ghirson: Muller Thurgau - Table
ghirson: Akin and JP
ghirson: Nelly
ghirson: getting ready
ghirson: Jonas and Sachin
ghirson: Carrots
ghirson: All ready for guests
ghirson: Squab Agnolotti
ghirson: Rack of Lamb
ghirson: Kraz's cups
ghirson: Akin makes agnolotti
ghirson: Alysha
ghirson: Jason, Charles, Keegan and Kate
ghirson: Laura and Phil
ghirson: Parking crew
ghirson: Bustle under the vine