Jer*ry: Postmortem of a tree
Jer*ry: "... what to our wondering eyes should appear ..."
Jer*ry: "No, guys, no! Give up while you're still able to walk away!"
Jer*ry: Inch by inch ...
Jer*ry: Pity the poor truck
Jer*ry: One of those moments
Jer*ry: Picture time
Jer*ry: Not there yet
Jer*ry: They'll be back
Jer*ry: Later that same day
Jer*ry: Operation Stump - Phase 2
Jer*ry: One step forward, two steps back ...
Jer*ry: Man vs stump
Jer*ry: Two guys and a stump - the saga resumes
Jer*ry: Big Lift continues
Jer*ry: Push, shove, push, shove, etc.
Jer*ry: Almost there
Jer*ry: One more roll ... maybe
Jer*ry: OK, uneasily it rests
Jer*ry: Success
Jer*ry: Mission accomplished