Jer*ry: Before "baby boom babies" ...
Jer*ry: Cowboys
Jer*ry: A Christmas gift
Jer*ry: The town scribe
Jer*ry: Wasn't that a time?
Jer*ry: Should we be happy?
Jer*ry: Growing up in the '50s
Jer*ry: Brothers
Jer*ry: Playing the tourist
Jer*ry: A river outing
Jer*ry: Perched in a tree ... it's me.
Jer*ry: Keep it on the road
Jer*ry: In my element
Jer*ry: Desolation Row revisited
Jer*ry: My bike & I
Jer*ry: Dreamscape: turning back the clock
Jer*ry: Self-portrait with toolbox
Jer*ry: Stoneworks
Jer*ry: In a downtown window
Jer*ry: Risk & danger
Jer*ry: "Spellbound by our own imperfect lives"
Jer*ry: Outside the purple doors
Jer*ry: there is a loneliness in this world so great
Jer*ry: Up on the roof
Jer*ry: Wishing I'd been an FSA photog ...
Jer*ry: The other side of the tracks
Jer*ry: A New Year's resolution
Jer*ry: Quiet evening
Jer*ry: Solitude
Jer*ry: Time for a little R&R