Jer*ry: Unhappy camper
Jer*ry: That old love triangle
Jer*ry: Waiting
Jer*ry: Doggie hedonism
Jer*ry: Some things must go on ...
Jer*ry: Life is good
Jer*ry: Warm sun / cool day
Jer*ry: Pookie's toy
Jer*ry: Through the fence
Jer*ry: Hmmm ...
Jer*ry: "What, me worry?"
Jer*ry: A perfect fit!
Jer*ry: It's a tough job, but somebody's got to do it
Jer*ry: Hang on, Pookie!
Jer*ry: It's HOT out there!
Jer*ry: Ah, summer is almost here!
Jer*ry: Animal person
Jer*ry: Hits the spot!
Jer*ry: The Tomato Eater
Jer*ry: Punked
Jer*ry: A less-than-happy camper
Jer*ry: Waiting
Jer*ry: 'Look, it's for your own good, you know ...'
Jer*ry: Autumn idyll
Jer*ry: Contemplating a hobo-dog's life
Jer*ry: Railway dog
Jer*ry: 'Hey dude, wassup?'
Jer*ry: 'Oh yeah, wanna make somethin' of it??'
Jer*ry: 'OK, let's just live & let live'
Jer*ry: On the move