...journey into light and insight...:
...winter whisper: blessed beloved...
...journey into light and insight...:
...winter whisper: we both are like two birds of love...
...journey into light and insight...:
...winter whisper: tears; very salt of soul...
...journey into light and insight...:
...winter whisper: way of leaves and lives...
...journey into light and insight...:
... winter whisper: I'll write whole ocean in your memories...
...journey into light and insight...:
...winter whisper: melody of broken string...
...journey into light and insight...:
...song of earth and sky...
...journey into light and insight...:
...journey into eternity...
...journey into light and insight...:
...song of spring: inner sanctum...
...journey into light and insight...:
...winter whisper: dreaming days...
...journey into light and insight...:
...नमामि देवी नर्मदे...
...journey into light and insight...:
...winter whisper: coming home...
...journey into light and insight...:
...winter whisper: love never sees age...
...journey into light and insight...:
...traces of journey...
...journey into light and insight...:
...winter whisper: in search of love, peace and harmony...
...journey into light and insight...:
...song of nature...
...journey into light and insight...:
...journey into light and insight...:
...journey into light and insight...:
...journey into light and insight...:
...evoking space...
...journey into light and insight...:
...journey into light and insight...:
...journey into light and insight...:
...art of god...
...journey into light and insight...:
...just two of us...
...journey into light and insight...:
...growing within...
...journey into light and insight...:
...just two of us...