gh0stdot: I want to sleep the dream of the apples, to withdraw from the tumult of cemeteries
gh0stdot: And all strength has gone
gh0stdot: kisses tie our mouths in a thicket of new veins
gh0stdot: Señor del mayor dolor
gh0stdot: but all must know that I have not died; that there is a manger of gold in my lips
gh0stdot: Soul, turn orange-colored. Soul, turn the color of love
gh0stdot: lamentación de la muerte
gh0stdot: that I am the intense shadows of my tears
gh0stdot: Esta luz, este fuego que devora
gh0stdot: woodcutter. cut out my shadow
gh0stdot: cover me at dawn with a veil
gh0stdot: i shall dream the husks and insects change inside my dreaming