ggppix: Pinnacle of Salvia subgenus Perovskia
ggppix: Setting Sun's Choice
ggppix: Hoary Vervain (Verbena stricta)
ggppix: No Lilliputians, These
ggppix: Gundersens' Geraniums
ggppix: Art in Imperfection
ggppix: Obedient Plant (Physostegia virginiana)
ggppix: Orange Coneflower (Rudbeckia fulgida)
ggppix: Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta)
ggppix: Cup Plant (Silphium perfoliatum) after its yellow petals fell
ggppix: Procession of Plants
ggppix: Blossoms and Blush
ggppix: Biennial beeblossom (Oenothera gaura)
ggppix: Petals and Pods
ggppix: Last Hurrah