ggentry11: February 2017 Photo A Day
ggentry11: A Street view
ggentry11: A Light to see by
ggentry11: Happy
ggentry11: Working on the Mix for some voice overs
ggentry11: Morning Sky
ggentry11: Corner of the store
ggentry11: Less about Fasion more about comfort
ggentry11: Faceless Portrait "2pm on a Wednesday"
ggentry11: Lunch is a Treat from our PTA
ggentry11: The View From Here of Love & Valor
ggentry11: Words that inspire and comfort me Inspired by Emilee O'Leary
ggentry11: A Pattern on the wall
ggentry11: Flat Lay of work tools
ggentry11: Hearts on my principal's door
ggentry11: It's Bright out selfie
ggentry11: From Where I Stand coffee is a very good thing
ggentry11: A Sport I play from time to time
ggentry11: A Habit working in my creative space on Saturday's
ggentry11: Best Invetion iPad
ggentry11: Books on my shelf
ggentry11: Leaf Lines
ggentry11: My MacBook On The Shelf
ggentry11: Watching the honey Drip in my mug for coffee
ggentry11: A Treasure doing work from home on a 75º day in late Feb.
ggentry11: Grass on my walk
ggentry11: Meeting with my Artsy friends
ggentry11: New signs of Spring
ggentry11: Overcast Evening Sky