ggentry11: May 2014 Photo A Day
ggentry11: Begins With J my favorite pen Jimnie Gel Rollerball in blue
ggentry11: Snack organic double chocolate cookie
ggentry11: The Bogart secton of my movie Collection
ggentry11: Us at Something's Afoot
ggentry11: Clocking out at 4pm
ggentry11: Arch From Down Low
ggentry11: My desk at work Taken From Above
ggentry11: Beautiful Blue skies in Chapel Hill
ggentry11: A Favourite shirt Whovian for life
ggentry11: Nothing In The Garden but I do have flowers
ggentry11: She's my Mother and I love her!
ggentry11: Ready to head to work
ggentry11: I Spy Mickey Mouse on my tie
ggentry11: Lines on the stage for dancers
ggentry11: From Where I Walk by faith
ggentry11: Create dance worship to The Lord
ggentry11: My Bag is in the closet this weekend byt will be used next weekend
ggentry11: Something I Drew
ggentry11: Alone in the kitchen
ggentry11: Card being signed for a retiring co-worker
ggentry11: Waiting for the subs to arrive at school
ggentry11: Black+White selfie
ggentry11: Slept through the Sunrise
ggentry11: My Neighbourhood this Sunday
ggentry11: I have no Pet
ggentry11: Forgot to take a photo of my Meal so here is my snack
ggentry11: A Unique hand-made cross
ggentry11: Negative Space and my lunch
ggentry11: Side View of my new Tom's shoe