ggentry11: Don addresses the group
ggentry11: Listening closely
ggentry11: Watching on
ggentry11: Watching the rehersal
ggentry11: Sorting it all out
ggentry11: Lining up the party
ggentry11: John is a happy granddad
ggentry11: Practicing the exit
ggentry11: Watching the party exit
ggentry11: Conversation
ggentry11: Practicing the cerimony
ggentry11: Bethany and Amos discussing it all
ggentry11: Cheese Cake table
ggentry11: Rehersal Dinner
ggentry11: Conversations among friends
ggentry11: Table Decorations
ggentry11: Head table eating
ggentry11: Getting supper
ggentry11: View from the back
ggentry11: First group is ready for the wedding
ggentry11: The happy Groom
ggentry11: My work is Play as I run sound for David & Elisa's wedding today
ggentry11: Conversations
ggentry11: Depot filling up
ggentry11: The Crowd Awaits
ggentry11: Love & Valor and David & Daniel
ggentry11: The Wedding
ggentry11: Waiting for the start
ggentry11: Everyone's ready
ggentry11: Watching the wedding party