Gregor Watson: NEW 551 at Heriot Watt Uni
Gregor Watson: Poppy bus 551 at Hermiston P&R
Gregor Watson: Christmas bus 551
Gregor Watson: 551 at St John's Hospital
Gregor Watson: 551 leaving Bathgate and onto Livingston and Edinburgh
Gregor Watson: 551 - The Poppy Bus 2018
Gregor Watson: 551 at Scotstoun, Queensferry
Gregor Watson: Poppy bus 551 at Hermiston P&R
Gregor Watson: NEW 552 at Lochend
Gregor Watson: NEW 553 at Fountainbridge
Gregor Watson: NEW 554 at Longstone
Gregor Watson: 555 on Minto Street
Gregor Watson: 555 at Fountain Park
Gregor Watson: 556 at Slateford Aqua and Viaduct
Gregor Watson: 556 on a peak time 22
Gregor Watson: 557 at Leopald Place
Gregor Watson: 557 at the temporary terminus at Ocean Terminal
Gregor Watson: NEW 558 at Fountain Park
Gregor Watson: FIRST DAY for 559
Gregor Watson: FIRST DAY for 560
Gregor Watson: 561 on Princes Street
Gregor Watson: NEW 562 at Hermiston P&R on its first day
Gregor Watson: 564 at Cockburnhill Road
Gregor Watson: 565 at The Shore which now completes my album of 551-570, see link in comment box
Gregor Watson: 567 on London Road
Gregor Watson: Lothian Buses - 568 - SA15 VUU
Gregor Watson: NEW 568 at Hermiston P&R