teknoec: shed
teknoec: chicken
teknoec: railway service building
teknoec: Szeged Oldie
teknoec: tree methusaleh, floodplain, river Tisza
teknoec: pink flower
teknoec: Bridge in a Japanese garden
teknoec: old house
teknoec: Asylum
teknoec: past summer
teknoec: plumber's workshop, 1920s
teknoec: spring walk view
teknoec: suburbia - (old) Szeged
teknoec: confluence of the rivers Tisza (left) and Maros (right) at Szeged
teknoec: another vintage winter
teknoec: steam engine
teknoec: Porta Heroum, Szeged
teknoec: twisted column
teknoec: Porta Heroum as seen through a pinhole camera
teknoec: Szeged hallmarks through a pinhole camera
teknoec: riverside view, Szeged
teknoec: end of summer