giulia.forsythe: Boyer's Scholarship of Engagement
giulia.forsythe: #FemEdTech cartography
giulia.forsythe: Inclusive Citation, Inclusive Academy
giulia.forsythe: #FemEdTechQuilt embroidery
giulia.forsythe: #FemEdTech: Graphic Narratives of Open Scholarship
giulia.forsythe: Tired: old systems of hierachy
giulia.forsythe: @ProfMogadime discusses Human Rights and Nelson Mandela's life in EDUC 3P00
giulia.forsythe: Like on my maps, red and blue paths
giulia.forsythe: red path. blue path.
giulia.forsythe: mapping #femedtech first draft
giulia.forsythe: I'm a visual learner
giulia.forsythe: Brainstorm of where I am right now with my MRP MEd
giulia.forsythe: #femedtech cirrus
giulia.forsythe: Power and Epistemic Justice, keynote by @LeslieKChan #DIS2019
giulia.forsythe: THICK @tressiemcphd #viznotes #chapter1
giulia.forsythe: Learning-World-Cafe-STJA-NPDL