giulia.forsythe: Open Education and Indigenous Education Fishbowl discussion with @mctoonish @dendroglyph @jackieottomann @korywilson and Maria Campbell
giulia.forsythe: @usask VP TL Patricia McDougall @GMCTL_UofS @nkturner #OER at @usask #tlt18
giulia.forsythe: Indigenization & Transformation Decolonization to Reconciliation #tlt18 keynote by Vice Provost Indigenous Engagement, @JackieOttmann
giulia.forsythe: Overcoming Barriers to the Growth of innovative teaching practices by @mctoonish #tlt18
giulia.forsythe: Becoming an Ally, Recognizing Unconscious Bias and Privilege #tlt18 keynote by @KoryWilson #viznotes