giulia.forsythe: Thanks for getting messy with me @whitneykilgore @robinwb @bonstewart @amcollier @catspyjamasnz @bali_maha @rjhogue #et4messy #et4online
giulia.forsythe: "OER as Edutainment Resources" - deep session by @RMoeJo #et4online #et4pomo
giulia.forsythe: Beyond Alt-metrics: Identities and Influence Online, keynote session by @bonstewart #et4online #drbon
giulia.forsythe: Connected Learning by @mizuko #et4online #viznotes
giulia.forsythe: #et4online @whitneykilgore tells us about #HumanMOOC
giulia.forsythe: #et4online @catspajamasnz tells us about UX badges
giulia.forsythe: #et4online #openbadges
giulia.forsythe: #et4online
giulia.forsythe: Social Media Learning Activities session by @gueniazgheib #et4online
giulia.forsythe: Badges First #openbadges @robinwb @catspyjamasnz @whitneykilgore #et4online
giulia.forsythe: Thought Vectors in Concept Space, keynote by @GardnerCampbell #et4online
giulia.forsythe: #et4online #et4buddy selfie with @Bali_Maha and @rjhogue