giulia.forsythe: Telling Stories That Matter, keynote by @cogdog #newyork6 #viznotes
giulia.forsythe: Why Doodling Matters (draft 1)
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giulia.forsythe: Ian Binnie, Copyright Pentalogy: Seismic shift (or not) #copycon2015
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giulia.forsythe: @shauser What a Long Strange Trip it's Been #umwfa12
giulia.forsythe: #umwfa12 @timmmyboy talking maker spaces
giulia.forsythe: learn-to-teach
giulia.forsythe: Learn Unlearn Relearn
giulia.forsythe: Wikipedia
giulia.forsythe: Everybody Present: Mindfulness in the Classroom
giulia.forsythe: 5 High Impact Teaching Practices, #STLHE2015 keynote by @DeeFink #viznotes
giulia.forsythe: Story vs Narrative
giulia.forsythe: 100 Bazillion Posts A Year. CUNY Federation, Curriculum & Management #Umwfa12 @mgershovich @lwaltzer @mbransons
giulia.forsythe: #etmooc @audreywatters asks 'Who Owns Your Education Data (and Why Does It Matter?)'
giulia.forsythe: When You Say Culture, I Reach For My Source Code, @daviddarts #umwfa12
giulia.forsythe: Creative Class Conflict [viz notes]
giulia.forsythe: Connected Learning by @mizuko #et4online #viznotes
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giulia.forsythe: Taking Learning Seriously by Lee Shulman [viz notes]
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giulia.forsythe: Storytelling: a voice from within