giulia.forsythe: Embracing Uncertainty: Rhizomatic Learning @davecormier #canEdu13
giulia.forsythe: Disrupting School @courosa #YouTubeParty #CanEdu13 [viz notes]
giulia.forsythe: 7 Degrees Of Separation @thecleversheep #canEdu13
giulia.forsythe: Product placement. We will sell many Alecs with this cube.
giulia.forsythe: Modeling the microphone and cube
giulia.forsythe: Good Alec with his collar microphone
giulia.forsythe: Dave tells us about rhizomes
giulia.forsythe: Bon & Alec get ready to heckle Dave
giulia.forsythe: Surprised Matt is surprised
giulia.forsythe: Zoe and Andy at Connect
giulia.forsythe: Rodd talks about the 7 degrees of Connectedness
giulia.forsythe: This is a time-space travel device
giulia.forsythe: I spy Camille!
giulia.forsythe: Andy shoots
giulia.forsythe: @davecormier has an abundance of nodes. (We all do) How will we connect them?
giulia.forsythe: Networked Educators & Learners @bonstewart #canedu13 [viz Notes]
giulia.forsythe: @bonstewart, "different contexts have different legitimacy practices"
giulia.forsythe: @zbpipe and her grade 6 showcase their Minecraft skills