giulia.forsythe: #opened12 Great Swag regift!
giulia.forsythe: Visual Notes of Honourable John Yap's announcement at #opened12
giulia.forsythe: Ecology of Yearning [visual notes] @gardnercampbell keynote #opened12
giulia.forsythe: Open for what? Open to what? Beyond content #opened12 keynote by John Willinsky
giulia.forsythe: Brett Paci, MIT OpenCourseWare #OpenEd12 Subtitles, Transcriptions, and You (Tube)
giulia.forsythe: @cogdog talks at #opened12 about #ds106 Assignment Bank and the Remix thereof
giulia.forsythe: Carolina Rossini @EFF #opened12 keynote: You cannot build Open Policies without People
giulia.forsythe: @mgershovich & @zdavis #opened12 Video Oral Communication Assessment Tool
giulia.forsythe: Mark Singer, Thomas Edison College Prior Learning Assessment Recognition
giulia.forsythe: Navigating YVR, pre-goodbye @drgarcia @noiseprofessor @cogdog *sniff*
giulia.forsythe: testify
giulia.forsythe: Go go Gadget!
giulia.forsythe: Mikhail ukes
giulia.forsythe: Jamming
giulia.forsythe: Noiseprofessor sparkling
giulia.forsythe: Draggin in the SoundLab
giulia.forsythe: Over-the-shoulder-Jamming
giulia.forsythe: Draggin & Brian
giulia.forsythe: GNA Audrey Mikhail Alan
giulia.forsythe: GNA & Audrey
giulia.forsythe: MOOC squad meeting