giulia.forsythe: Curation and collaboration as activism: emerging critical practices of #FemEdTech
giulia.forsythe: #FemEdTech cartography
giulia.forsythe: Inclusive Citation, Inclusive Academy
giulia.forsythe: So you need to put your exam online?
giulia.forsythe: Search the landfill
giulia.forsythe: #femedtech cirrus
giulia.forsythe: Sketchnote practice
giulia.forsythe: Becoming Somebody in Boys' Schools, Dr. Dónal O'Donoghue #viznotes
giulia.forsythe: #OEOSummit18 Keynote by @BillyMeinke, Openness as a Set of Values (not a destination)
giulia.forsythe: Embodied, Constructed and Performed Youth Identities in Relation to Global Celebrity Influencers, Popular Culture, Social Media and Intersectionality: Dreaming the Impossible Dream. Dr. Fiona Blaikie #viznotes
giulia.forsythe: Feedback for teaching and learning
giulia.forsythe: #OEWeek keynote by @lilyrglg, working towards open, working for you #viznotes
giulia.forsythe: #OEWeek keynote by @JessHMitchell The Revolution is Now
giulia.forsythe: Power and Epistemic Justice, keynote by @LeslieKChan #DIS2019
giulia.forsythe: Accessible active outdoor play
giulia.forsythe: #STLHE23 Keynote by Dr. Barrington Walker: Scarborough Charter and pedagogies of anti-Black racism and Black inclusion
giulia.forsythe: FemEdTech Values Activity
giulia.forsythe: Things Unsaid: Exploring the Margins and Limits of Open #otessa22 keynote by @brennacgray #viznotes
giulia.forsythe: The Flexible Classroom, HEQCO keynote by Susan McCahan, UofT [visual notes]
giulia.forsythe: How can you pass the tests but fail in the real world? @eric_mazur's #STLHE2014 keynote
giulia.forsythe: Generous Thinking
giulia.forsythe: #OnHumanLearn Humanizing Learning
giulia.forsythe: "Complaint, Diversity, and Other Hostile Environments" brilliant talk @ucalgary by @SaraNAhmed #viznotes
giulia.forsythe: HYFLEX
giulia.forsythe: Liberated Learner wicked problems
giulia.forsythe: microaggression
giulia.forsythe: Dr.Barry Joe, What is Innovative Pedagogy?
giulia.forsythe: Blended Learning Panel @richardgorrie et al [visual notes] #oucel12
giulia.forsythe: Canada Copyright Board: Challenges & Opportunities #copycon2015 panel
giulia.forsythe: Reconciling Divergent Worlds, Dr. Kevin Gosine #viznotes