Portland Seminary: Christ Church, Oxford
Portland Seminary: Doctor of Ministry in Leadership and Global Perspectives Final Banquet & Awards Ceremony, Christ Church Hall
Portland Seminary: dminlgp Cape Town Advance 2017
Portland Seminary: Hong Kong | dminlgp Fall 2018 Advance |
Portland Seminary: Sam Stephens, Leadership and Global Perspectives DMin Student
Portland Seminary: Group photo at the upper Library at Christ Church, Oxford
Portland Seminary: Doctor of Ministry in Leadership and Global Perspective students visiting Robben Island during their Cape Town, South Africa advance
Portland Seminary: Sam, Cedrick, and Becky
Portland Seminary: London tube
Portland Seminary: Hong Kong skyline at morning
Portland Seminary: Leadership and Global Perspectives DMin cohorts in London
Portland Seminary: Hong Kong | dminlgp Fall 2018 Advance
Portland Seminary: Local leader describes her experience of forced removal from District Six
Portland Seminary: Jason giving students London tour
Portland Seminary: Hong Kong night junk
Portland Seminary: Hong Kong | dminlgp Fall 2018 Advance
Portland Seminary: dminlgp4-6 students and advisors at HKSKH Ming Hua Theological College
Portland Seminary: Hong Kong | dminlgp Fall 2018 Advance
Portland Seminary: Tram lift up to Table Mountain
Portland Seminary: dminlgp Cape Town Advance 2017
Portland Seminary: Table Mountain
Portland Seminary: dminlgp Cape Town Advance 2017
Portland Seminary: GML1-DMin-Orientation-Advance091
Portland Seminary: D.Min Leadership and Global Perspectives
Portland Seminary: Performers at the V & A Waterfront, Cape Town
Portland Seminary: Khayelitsha
Portland Seminary: Commencement and Hooding 2018
Portland Seminary: Leadership and Global Perspectives DMin students and advisors following service at J L Zwane Presbyterian Church