GFDRR / World Bank Disaster Risk Management (DRM): Weather data transmission using telegraphy in Talas valley
GFDRR / World Bank Disaster Risk Management (DRM): Weather station manager during data transmission
GFDRR / World Bank Disaster Risk Management (DRM): Weather station manager in her office
GFDRR / World Bank Disaster Risk Management (DRM): Vegetable farmer in Ferghana Valley
GFDRR / World Bank Disaster Risk Management (DRM): Vegetable farmer in Ferghana Valley
GFDRR / World Bank Disaster Risk Management (DRM): Children on their way to school in Ferghana Valley
GFDRR / World Bank Disaster Risk Management (DRM): Children on their way to school in Ferghana Valley
GFDRR / World Bank Disaster Risk Management (DRM): Recreational area on the banks of Ak-Buura river in Osh
GFDRR / World Bank Disaster Risk Management (DRM): People relaxing on Sulayman Mountain in Osh
GFDRR / World Bank Disaster Risk Management (DRM): Highway between Osh and Nookat
GFDRR / World Bank Disaster Risk Management (DRM): Horses on their way to pastures
GFDRR / World Bank Disaster Risk Management (DRM): Sheep on pastures in Ferghana Valley
GFDRR / World Bank Disaster Risk Management (DRM): View on Khoschan river near Nookat
GFDRR / World Bank Disaster Risk Management (DRM): Cherry orchard in Ferghana valley
GFDRR / World Bank Disaster Risk Management (DRM): Apple vendor in in Ferghana valley
GFDRR / World Bank Disaster Risk Management (DRM): View on Sokh river at the Krygyz and Uzbek border
GFDRR / World Bank Disaster Risk Management (DRM): Highway bridge crossing Sokh river
GFDRR / World Bank Disaster Risk Management (DRM): Data collection at weather station in Talas valley
GFDRR / World Bank Disaster Risk Management (DRM): Goat Herder on the way to pastures on the northern slopes of the Tien Shan mountains