GFDRR / World Bank Disaster Risk Management (DRM): Urban Flooding in Colombo, Sri Lanka
GFDRR / World Bank Disaster Risk Management (DRM): Urban Flooding in Colombo, Sri Lanka
GFDRR / World Bank Disaster Risk Management (DRM): Risk Assessment Data Being Collected - LiDAR Survey Being Carried Out
GFDRR / World Bank Disaster Risk Management (DRM): Risk Assessment Data Being Collected - LiDAR Survey Being Carried Out
GFDRR / World Bank Disaster Risk Management (DRM): Risk Assessment Data Being Collected - LiDAR Survey Being Carried Out
GFDRR / World Bank Disaster Risk Management (DRM): World Bank team and the Sri Lankan goverment team discussing on the mitigation options
GFDRR / World Bank Disaster Risk Management (DRM): World Bank team and the Sri Lankan goverment team discussing on the mitigation options
GFDRR / World Bank Disaster Risk Management (DRM): SAR Region: Beneficiaries of agriculture and disaster risk reduction project in Bangladesh
GFDRR / World Bank Disaster Risk Management (DRM): SAR Region: Bangladesh living with the floods