GF Smith: Self-Portait
GF Smith: Pink Cool Cam
GF Smith: Argus 260 Automatic
GF Smith: One Step
GF Smith: Konica Pop
GF Smith: One Step
GF Smith: Blue One Step
GF Smith: SX-70 Sonar
GF Smith: SX-70 Rainbow with Flash
GF Smith: Minute Maker
GF Smith: Red Cool Cam
GF Smith: Pentax K1000
GF Smith: Polaroid Land Camera
GF Smith: One Step SX-70
GF Smith: Polaroid Land Camera
GF Smith: Canon AE-1
GF Smith: One Step with Rainbow
GF Smith: Impulse
GF Smith: Spectra SE
GF Smith: One Step
GF Smith: Fischer Price
GF Smith: Green and Gray One Step