geyerba: bright
geyerba: never enough barbies
geyerba: happy morning
geyerba: my meg
geyerba: and cale
geyerba: joshie feeling sad that he only got one big present
geyerba: just what he wanted
geyerba: bieber fever
geyerba: and just what a girl wants
geyerba: two for one
geyerba: cale being goofy
geyerba: all I want for christmas is a really big stuffed animal
geyerba: checkin' it out
geyerba: oh so fun
geyerba: going for a ride
geyerba: christmas dinner
geyerba: Big sister, little sister
geyerba: thinking...
geyerba: just a little bit addicted to cartoons on netflix on the iphone