geyerba: New 24mm 2.8
geyerba: Lighting class
geyerba: Off-camera lighting
geyerba: Up the street
geyerba: way down low
geyerba: motion
geyerba: curve
geyerba: red wall
geyerba: lookin' better
geyerba: down low
geyerba: my little moviestars
geyerba: in the wintertime, photo opportunities become more repetitive
geyerba: that's the smile I like
geyerba: Suppertime
geyerba: Sometimes the apparent mistakes turn out interesting
geyerba: lucas in his element
geyerba: Sometimes you're just really tired
geyerba: Cheesecake factory, Tulsa
geyerba: Coach Marquis
geyerba: girls
geyerba: shiny fish
geyerba: feeding turtles
geyerba: bigger than the gar
geyerba: Happy hiding frogs
geyerba: Inside the mouth of the shark
geyerba: Nurse Sharks
geyerba: Sisters
geyerba: Hanging at the Tulsa Aquarium
geyerba: lovin' the aquarium
geyerba: meg and the turtles