geyerba: The big 'ol tree of life
geyerba: Unidentified (yet pretty) bird
geyerba: Hey! Whatchu lookin' at?
geyerba: Is it real?
geyerba: Meercats
geyerba: Happy sisters
geyerba: Gorilla
geyerba: fountain
geyerba: Nile Crocs
geyerba: Safari without an elephant?
geyerba: Flamingos
geyerba: Lioness
geyerba: Who's going to win?
geyerba: Fun lighting
geyerba: Epcot
geyerba: Indiatlantic Beach
geyerba: hand drier
geyerba: Tired, but made it to the Florida Visitor's center
geyerba: This is the way we travel
geyerba: Brin
geyerba: Disney entrance
geyerba: Campground?
geyerba: Campsite
geyerba: Bingo
geyerba: Ducklings
geyerba: those glasses
geyerba: Brin
geyerba: The fam and Snow White
geyerba: The castle
geyerba: in the stocks, 2