KatherineKeyes: lots of Christmas Spirit here.
KatherineKeyes: Presents
KatherineKeyes: a gift of some kind.
KatherineKeyes: the Jane Austen action figure.
KatherineKeyes: What is it?
KatherineKeyes: A magnet.
KatherineKeyes: Also, a magnet
KatherineKeyes: open the box.
KatherineKeyes: Uncertain
KatherineKeyes: Surprise!
KatherineKeyes: Ooh, a hat
KatherineKeyes: I think he likes it.
KatherineKeyes: Perfect for napping
KatherineKeyes: Ooh, it's a scarf
KatherineKeyes: Loves it.
KatherineKeyes: "I got two hats!"
KatherineKeyes: More pinning
KatherineKeyes: Seriously, pinning takes a while
KatherineKeyes: the muslin was long
KatherineKeyes: And no one else
KatherineKeyes: Still life with earwax relief
KatherineKeyes: Trees & Sky
KatherineKeyes: copper and bow