Getty72: A Camel in the Sinai Desert
Getty72: The Bedouin Tent - The Sinai Desert
Getty72: A brief rest - The Sinai Desert
Getty72: Sinai Desert
Getty72: The end of another day... in the Sinai Desert
Getty72: A scene from the sinai desert
Getty72: Sand, sand, sand everywhere
Getty72: "We're on the road to nowhere"
Getty72: Contemplation time
Getty72: Day one of the trek
Getty72: A wonderful view in the Sinai Desert
Getty72: So peaceful in the Sinai Desert
Getty72: Snooze time... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Getty72: Shelter from the baking sun in the Sinai Desert
Getty72: The Sinai Desert - so breathtaking
Getty72: Wait for me!!!!!!!!
Getty72: Bedouin Tea in the Sinai Desert
Getty72: A Rock formation in the shape of a Dinosaur - in the Sinai Desert
Getty72: A rock formation in the shape of a Dinosaur - The Sinai Desert
Getty72: The long walk.... through the Sinai Desert
Getty72: A short rest, a wonderful view
Getty72: A walk through the Sinai
Getty72: Another wonderful view of the Sinai Landscape
Getty72: On the top of the dune... On top of the Wolrd!!!
Getty72: Breakfast.... Mmmmmmmm
Getty72: Fresh bread in the morning...
Getty72: Can you smell the fresh bread? Or is it cigarette smoke?
Getty72: A stroll through the afternoon
Getty72: Sunset over the Sinai Desert
Getty72: Shadowlands in the Sinai