getthebubbles: window glow
getthebubbles: light crossing
getthebubbles: in the bathroom
getthebubbles: ghostly silhuette in the bathroom
getthebubbles: illuminated
getthebubbles: reaching
getthebubbles: me and my drink
getthebubbles: fainting 1
getthebubbles: my hat at bonnaroo
getthebubbles: me at radiohead
getthebubbles: Hockneyized Me
getthebubbles: self two 20Mar06
getthebubbles: self one 20Mar06
getthebubbles: the only time i will ever have long legs
getthebubbles: my shadow is tall
getthebubbles: squeak me
getthebubbles: Mardi Gras Beads Self Portrait
getthebubbles: bigballbeads
getthebubbles: self portrait 3
getthebubbles: Self Portrait 1
getthebubbles: lifestyle shot: fresca- sparkles inside to match your sparkles outside
getthebubbles: lori squirt gun face
getthebubbles: This Job Sucks... not really!
getthebubbles: Me @ Haunama Bay
getthebubbles: Me and Dad Skiing
getthebubbles: My Diner
getthebubbles: Levi and I