Glenn Watson (@getnoticed): Peppe (Saint Espresso)
Glenn Watson (@getnoticed): Peppe (Saint Espresso)
Glenn Watson (@getnoticed): Kasjan (Formative)
Glenn Watson (@getnoticed): Sam (Second Shot)
Glenn Watson (@getnoticed): Joao (Latte Art Bar)
Glenn Watson (@getnoticed): Joao (Latte Art Bar)
Glenn Watson (@getnoticed): Thumbs up for Tazmin (The Square Winchester)
Glenn Watson (@getnoticed): Roberto (Market House)
Glenn Watson (@getnoticed): Joao and friends
Glenn Watson (@getnoticed): Nico (Freelance)
Glenn Watson (@getnoticed): Nicolas (Kaffeine)
Glenn Watson (@getnoticed): Matt (Market House)
Glenn Watson (@getnoticed): Aivaras (Harrods)
Glenn Watson (@getnoticed): View from behind the machine
Glenn Watson (@getnoticed): Courtney (Square Mile)
Glenn Watson (@getnoticed): Courtney (Square Mile)
Glenn Watson (@getnoticed): Gabby (Artisan Coffee)
Glenn Watson (@getnoticed): Gabby (Artisan Coffee)
Glenn Watson (@getnoticed): Kasjan (Formative)
Glenn Watson (@getnoticed): Brenda (V69 Coffee)
Glenn Watson (@getnoticed): Brenda (V69 Coffee)
Glenn Watson (@getnoticed): Benjamin (River Coffee)
Glenn Watson (@getnoticed): Tazmin (The Square Winchester)
Glenn Watson (@getnoticed): Mridul watching Nicolas (Kaffeine)
Glenn Watson (@getnoticed): Nico (Freelance) second pour
Glenn Watson (@getnoticed): Aivaras and Gabby