Trenchy: Jim reads Burns
Trenchy: Burns night.
Trenchy: John reads ...
Trenchy: Scott plays the didj, singing bowl, and Deefer.
Trenchy: Scott plays the didj...
Trenchy: Josh and Kari sing Magnetic Fields ...
Trenchy: Shayna sings ...
Trenchy: Nina sings...
Trenchy: Lily, Ruby, Nina, and Shayna
Trenchy: Ian reads "Twat" by John Cooper Clarke
Trenchy: Dennis reads ...
Trenchy: Tom gives us a song.
Trenchy: Orla read ...
Trenchy: Leah and Gus read ...
Trenchy: Kim reads Atwood
Trenchy: Tim and Suzanne make haggis brownies.
Trenchy: Derek's not going to have no trouble any more.
Trenchy: Wendy recites Burns