Trenchy: Sophia at camp.
Trenchy: Solar Power
Trenchy: Horse riding.
Trenchy: Lily with her new friend.
Trenchy: Lily with Breta
Trenchy: Lily and Breta the Horse
Trenchy: Lily in meadow in Chester, Vermont
Trenchy: Lily
Trenchy: Lily on bulldozer
Trenchy: Cavers check their gear.
Trenchy: Washing up after lunch.
Trenchy: Finding out about caving.
Trenchy: Straw lodge
Trenchy: Introductions
Trenchy: Sophia and Lily at camp.
Trenchy: Lily
Trenchy: Handwashing station.
Trenchy: Ruined cob oven
Trenchy: Inside the main yurt.
Trenchy: Inside the main yurt.
Trenchy: The main yurt.
Trenchy: Preparing the potluck.
Trenchy: Sophia loving life.
Trenchy: Composting toilet.
Trenchy: Funky shelter.
Trenchy: There's some lovely dirt down here.
Trenchy: Helping set up the welcoming committee.
Trenchy: Sophia on the wobbly bridge.
Trenchy: Sophia on the wobbly bridge.
Trenchy: The office yurt.