grace_tee: three points
grace_tee: haricots verts
grace_tee: Pointy things
grace_tee: You've got a point
grace_tee: pointy and crooked
grace_tee: Pointy thing
grace_tee: Dangerous beauty
grace_tee: Cactus Study 1: Golden Barrel
grace_tee: Cactus study II: baby saguaro
grace_tee: Cactus study III: Saguaro with red fruit
grace_tee: Agave Americana
grace_tee: it's all his
grace_tee: seventeen points
grace_tee: tine for a beer
grace_tee: @ the corner of yucca & sunset
grace_tee: forest floor
grace_tee: you're the bright spork in my day
grace_tee: farmland security
grace_tee: sharpies
grace_tee: I carry your heart with me
grace_tee: printemps
grace_tee: pointed
grace_tee: between a rock and a hard place