cliqmo_: Random debris
cliqmo_: Venice Beach
cliqmo_: Welcome to LA
cliqmo_: The view from Universal Studios
cliqmo_: Californian blooms
cliqmo_: The sun sets on West Hollywood
cliqmo_: The sun sets a bit more...
cliqmo_: I really should go to bed...
cliqmo_: LA sunrise
cliqmo_: Starlight
cliqmo_: Obvious Tourist Photo
cliqmo_: Universal Studios
cliqmo_: LA debris
cliqmo_: Flash photography
cliqmo_: Serena and Nas in LA
cliqmo_: He's a golden god
cliqmo_: Chilling in LA
cliqmo_: Geek Patrol
cliqmo_: Unimpressed Aly
cliqmo_: Cardboard Molestation
cliqmo_: Bra Hat
cliqmo_: Dean Martin's grave
cliqmo_: Marilyn
cliqmo_: Hallo Hangover
cliqmo_: Serena lookin' lovely
cliqmo_: Saucey Serena at your service
cliqmo_: Somewhere on Sunset... I think.
cliqmo_: Went Aly met Crazy