cliqmo_: O! Klahoma!
cliqmo_: Wisconsin
cliqmo_: We raced Bombino to Milwaukee
cliqmo_: Indiana
cliqmo_: HA HA HA HA *farts*
cliqmo_: Indiana
cliqmo_: Indiana
cliqmo_: Indiana
cliqmo_: M'kay, Merica
cliqmo_: Route 66
cliqmo_: Squeegee time
cliqmo_: Which to choose...?
cliqmo_: Orlando, Oklahoma
cliqmo_: Bug Death
cliqmo_: Penny's Diner, Kansas
cliqmo_: Truck stop
cliqmo_: Truck stop
cliqmo_: Missouri for days
cliqmo_: As close as I got to New York City this time
cliqmo_: Noo Joisy
cliqmo_: The Tappen Zee bridge
cliqmo_: The Tappen Zee bridge
cliqmo_: New York State sign sucks
cliqmo_: Cheeto Finger
cliqmo_: Damn you for being not only wet, but on the central reservation. *shakes fist*
cliqmo_: O hai, Massachusetts!
cliqmo_: Sneaking into Mass
cliqmo_: Maine Turnpike
cliqmo_: Bear Botherers
cliqmo_: The way life should be