Gertrude139: 1/52 Rawr
Gertrude139: 2/52 bitey-face
Gertrude139: 3/52 Athena
Gertrude139: 4/52 Sunset walkies
Gertrude139: 5/52 Come closer possum!
Gertrude139: 6/52 It's coming....
Gertrude139: 7/52 Athena
Gertrude139: 8/52 Athena
Gertrude139: 9/52 Playing tug with Athena
Gertrude139: 10/52 Salt
Gertrude139: 11/52 Go Ferrari!
Gertrude139: 12/52 First sledding of the year
Gertrude139: 13/52 Athena