Gertj123: Six-spot Burnet - Sint-Jansvlinder of Bloeddropje (Zygaena filipendulae)
Gertj123: Hemiptera (Wants)
Gertj123: Scorpionfly (Panorpa communis) male
Gertj123: Small Tortoiseshell - Kleine vos (Aglais urticae)
Gertj123: Aeshna mixta or Paardenbijter (female)
Gertj123: Aeshna mixta (headshot) female - Paardenbijter
Gertj123: Platycnemis pennipes (Blauwe breedscheenjuffer)
Gertj123: Swamp grasshopper (Stethophyma grossum)
Gertj123: Pyronia tithonus (Oranje zandoogje)
Gertj123: Butterflies ready for takeoff
Gertj123: Mating Flesh flies (Sarcophaga carnaria)
Gertj123: Lestes sponsa female (Gewone Pantserjuffer)
Gertj123: Anoplotrupes stercorosus
Gertj123: The Cardinal Beetle - Zwartkopvuurkever (Pyrochroa coccinea)
Gertj123: Palomena prasina (Groene stinkwants - nimf)
Gertj123: Palomena prasina (Groene stinkwants - nimf)
Gertj123: Stethophyma grossum (Moerassprinkhaan)
Gertj123: Hey hello 2
Gertj123: Sawfly larvae (Bladwesplarve)
Gertj123: Fly eating grasshopper (2)
Gertj123: Fly eating grasshopper
Gertj123: Saw fly larvae
Gertj123: Grasshopper laying eggs
Gertj123: Scorpionfly female (Panorpa communis)
Gertj123: Zweefvlieg (Syrphidae)
Gertj123: Fine Streaked Bugkin - Prachtwants (Miris striatus)
Gertj123: bloem vlieg
Gertj123: Six-spot Burnet mating duo - Sint-Jansvlinder of Bloeddropje (Zygaena filipendulae)
Gertj123: Brown Hemiptera (Wants)
Gertj123: Hemiptera (Wants)