chasingmailboxes: Windy but so good out there today
chasingmailboxes: Morning miles on the 200K perm
chasingmailboxes: Let's go there.
chasingmailboxes: #thatsrando #30daysofbiking 200k permanent day
chasingmailboxes: Photo time on the 200K
chasingmailboxes: We stop for bison
chasingmailboxes: This dog was tenacious and speedy
chasingmailboxes: Jerry and Eric
chasingmailboxes: Saw Jack and Brian at the 300K info controle
chasingmailboxes: Hey, we wore the same jersey, what?
chasingmailboxes: How many horses in the corner of the field
chasingmailboxes: Civil War randonneur pose
chasingmailboxes: Case International mail goes here
chasingmailboxes: Day 4: Rando business meeting by the forsythia
chasingmailboxes: Jerry zooms in for the shot
chasingmailboxes: Hebron Valley
chasingmailboxes: Old Rag, coming up