chasingmailboxes: Handcycle
chasingmailboxes: Course marshalls
chasingmailboxes: Riding through farmfields
chasingmailboxes: More fields!
chasingmailboxes: Riders everwhere. This could be RAGBRAI
chasingmailboxes: Brompton!
chasingmailboxes: One of a few Trek tandems on the ride
chasingmailboxes: Looking good
chasingmailboxes: Hi bike riders! Trek tandem
chasingmailboxes: Rounding a corner
chasingmailboxes: Tandem in the distance
chasingmailboxes: Pulling a group
chasingmailboxes: Saying hey
chasingmailboxes: Velomobile
chasingmailboxes: Leaving the mini-rest at mile 43 or so
chasingmailboxes: More velomobiles. So pretty!
chasingmailboxes: Recumbent tandem
chasingmailboxes: Wasn't sure what was happening here. Crop dusting? North by Northwest?
chasingmailboxes: Flying along
chasingmailboxes: Pushing to mile 63
chasingmailboxes: Lots of large groups
chasingmailboxes: Hilliest part of the ride
chasingmailboxes: Crossing the bridge
chasingmailboxes: Raleigh International, 1974
chasingmailboxes: Campagnolo hub
chasingmailboxes: Stopping for a photo. Mile 63