nosalitar: This is a still life with soap
nosalitar: Not quite as romantic as abandoned shipshape pipes in a burned out bar, but it works
nosalitar: Wishing you and yours a crippling debt free holiday with nary a mall fight during the true meaning of Christmas...
nosalitar: HipstaPrint
nosalitar: My new perfilio photo... If I can figure this out...
nosalitar: I can't think of a more swashbucklerie dude...
nosalitar: I had to kill the rabbit... To stop its screaming...
nosalitar: This man, when asked, could not explain the absence of a unicorn to his wife.. "It was in the garden! Eating a Lilly..."
nosalitar: Anybody know who this is?
nosalitar: When times get really bad there's always SCIENCE ! (tm)