Gerry Lefoe: 'Picassoed' pelican
Gerry Lefoe: Photographer at work #1
Gerry Lefoe: Photographer at work #2
Gerry Lefoe: Wombarra dream
Gerry Lefoe: Sandon Point
Gerry Lefoe: The cheer squad
Gerry Lefoe: Autumn leaves
Gerry Lefoe: Southbeach fisherman
Gerry Lefoe: Incoming storm
Gerry Lefoe: Stormcloud
Gerry Lefoe: Sunstruck
Gerry Lefoe: Flying in to Sydney
Gerry Lefoe: Drying
Gerry Lefoe: MUKAS #1
Gerry Lefoe: MUKAS #2
Gerry Lefoe: Summer is here
Gerry Lefoe: Clouds
Gerry Lefoe: Tall shadows
Gerry Lefoe: Tangled trees
Gerry Lefoe: Bondi swell
Gerry Lefoe: Morning shadows
Gerry Lefoe: The runners