Gerrit59: 81-23551. while in hover at 30 feet began to yaw and spin and impacted the ground in Alabama in upright position Mar 29, 2005. Main and tail rotors torn off and tail fragmented. 3 occupants injured. Damage believed repairable.
Gerrit59: 09 White. Many thanks to Claudio Toselli.
Gerrit59: 78-22986. First Blackhawk in Germany. Test for Swiss AF.
Gerrit59: 80-23471. A/C crashed on 22 march 1984 during a routine training mission at Ft. Campbell
Gerrit59: 90-26229 / DR
Gerrit59: 86-24531
Gerrit59: 81-23591
Gerrit59: 92-26472 AK. Many thanks to