Gerrit59: 68-10947 RS. Many thanks to Marinus Dirk Tabak
Gerrit59: 69-6566 RS. Many thanks to Marinus Dirk Tabak.
Gerrit59: 64-0568. Combat Talon I special forces support aircraft.
Gerrit59: 93-7313. MAFFS (Modular Airborne FireFighting System)
Gerrit59: 63-7782 RI
Gerrit59: 89-1182. Many thanks to Claudio Toselli
Gerrit59: 92-1094 "Ski Bird". Many thanks to Timm Ziegenthaler.
Gerrit59: 89-1186
Gerrit59: 64-0502
Gerrit59: 63-9816
Gerrit59: 90-2103
Gerrit59: 89-0512 "Ghostriders".
Gerrit59: 74-2132
Gerrit59: 68-10934 FT. During a tactical airdrop mission the no. 4 engine caught fire 5 sept 2001. The engine was shut down but the fire continued until the engine departed the aircraft. The Hercules landed safely at the Fayetteville Regional Airport.
Gerrit59: 62-1786
Gerrit59: 64-0555. Combat Talon I special forces support
Gerrit59: 63-9817 Commando Solo
Gerrit59: 63-7834
Gerrit59: 57-0524 ???
Gerrit59: 62-1791
Gerrit59: 89-1184
Gerrit59: 62-1807
Gerrit59: 69-6566
Gerrit59: 64-14863 FT
Gerrit59: 63-9817. Known as Commando Solo, its aircrafts are specifically modified for conducting TV & Broadcast jamming missions.
Gerrit59: 96-1007 MN
Gerrit59: 63-7782 RI
Gerrit59: 63-7877 IL
Gerrit59: 62-1826 CI. To Iraqi AF on januari 2005.
Gerrit59: 64-14861