Gerrit59: 76-0034
Gerrit59: 79-0012 SP
Gerrit59: 90-0251 LN
Gerrit59: 86-0169 LN. Flown by Lt. Col Cesar Rodriguez (48th FW, 493rd FS) shot down JRV MiG 29 Mar 24, 1999 during Operation Allied Force. (48th FW, 493rd FS) crashed in Cairngorm Mountains of Scotland Mar 26, 2001, probably after midair collision with 86-0180 of
Gerrit59: 86-0166 LN. Delivered Nov 3, 1989 to Eglin AFB, FL, last F-15C/D to be delivered to USAF. Many thanks to Marinus Dirk Tabak
Gerrit59: 84-0010 SP. 36th FW, (53rd FS) flown by Capt Thomas N. Dietz shot down IrAF Su-22M with AIM-9M March 22, 1991. Many thanks to Marinus Dirk Tabak.
Gerrit59: 84-009 LN
Gerrit59: 91-0321 LN
Gerrit59: 84-0027 SP. (36th FW, 53rd FS) flown by Capt. Benjamin Powel shot down IrAF Mirage F.1EQ and IrAF MiG-23 Jan 27, 1991, Desert Storm.
Gerrit59: 86-0175 LN
Gerrit59: 77-0161
Gerrit59: 74-0119 TY
Gerrit59: 81-0055 WA
Gerrit59: 86-0162 EG. "Gulf Spirit". Co. aircraft
Gerrit59: 89-0502 SJ
Gerrit59: 75-0088 GA
Gerrit59: 81-0061 LA
Gerrit59: 73-0102. Nice background!
Gerrit59: 87-0171 SJ
Gerrit59: 80-0043 WA
Gerrit59: 80-0029 IS
Gerrit59: 78-0488
Gerrit59: 81-0055 WA
Gerrit59: F-15E WSO.
Gerrit59: 82-0032 TY
Gerrit59: 78-0503 ZZ
Gerrit59: 89-0493 SJ
Gerrit59: 76-0095
Gerrit59: 87-0185 LA. With LANTIRN and loaded with general purpose bombs. Photo by Bob Niedermeier.
Gerrit59: 81-0036 JZ.