Gerrit59: 132. Old serial P-MU is still visible.
Gerrit59: 627. Crashed on 4-feb-1981 near Bodø. Lt. Per Christian Torp (front seat) landed safely while Lt. Inge Støen suffered minor injury. Both landed on the base area.
Gerrit59: 288. Many thanks to Marinus Dirk Tabak.
Gerrit59: 236. Many thanks to Marinus Dirk Tabak.
Gerrit59: 113. Many thanks to Marinus Dirk Tabak.
Gerrit59: 069. Crashed 2 Apr 1988 on a rescue mission during a white-out at Lake Tyin and substantially damaged. Winched off the ice by Helikopter Services and salvaged back to Yeovil by the UK Royal Navy, Westland completed a major repair by Mar 1989.
Gerrit59: 372 / 207 / 156. Royal Norwegian Air Force Display team, 'The Jokers'.
Gerrit59: 17785
Gerrit59: 69210 / AH-P. Old Serial, very rare.
Gerrit59: 104637
Gerrit59: 12236
Gerrit59: 207. Royal Norwegian Air Force Display team, 'The Jokers'.
Gerrit59: AZ-N
Gerrit59: 54-1306 / AH-C