Gerrit59: 67-21638. Many thanks to Marinus Dirk Tabak
Gerrit59: 67-21345. Many thanks to Marinus Dirk Tabak.
Gerrit59: 67-14637
Gerrit59: 69-7617
Gerrit59: 68-3759
Gerrit59: 66-13559
Gerrit59: 68-10853
Gerrit59: 66-13559
Gerrit59: 67-21465
Gerrit59: 67-21324
Gerrit59: Just a nice shot
Gerrit59: 68-11150
Gerrit59: 67-14701. Crashed on 8 sep. 1982 in a collision with a Heeresflieger (German Army) Alouette helicopter. Both crews of both aircraft killed.
Gerrit59: N86417. Not an ex Warbird but a plain C337 painted as such
Gerrit59: 67-14697. Nice overview of Sembach AB.
Gerrit59: 67-21299 / N2199. Restored to airwrothy, 1994. Flown in Artic Command markings as Two Boom Baby.
Gerrit59: 68-3793
Gerrit59: 67-21368
Gerrit59: 67-21431
Gerrit59: 68-3831
Gerrit59: 67-14698 WH
Gerrit59: 68-11169
Gerrit59: 68-3805
Gerrit59: 51-12634
Gerrit59: 67-14629 PF. Rare picture. The unit was only one year active. Photo Brian C. Rogers.
Gerrit59: 68-6903. Photo Robert J. Mills
Gerrit59: 61-4698 WH