Gerrit59: 61-0025
Gerrit59: 61-0022. Many thanks to Marinus Dirk Tabak.
Gerrit59: 60-0057. Many thanks to Marinus Dirk Tabak.
Gerrit59: 61-0015
Gerrit59: 61-0026 Crashed Jun 24, 1994 at Fairchild AFB during rehersal for air display. Lost control and hit ground.
Gerrit59: 74-0160 "3". The third prototype.
Gerrit59: 52-8711. Was first B-52 to be delivered to Strategic Air Command, Jun 29, 1955, to 93rd BW at Castle AFB, CA.
Gerrit59: 56-0589
Gerrit59: 85-0060
Gerrit59: 61-0024 LA
Gerrit59: 60-0041 BD
Gerrit59: 61-0029 BD
Gerrit59: Unknown serial
Gerrit59: 55-0095
Gerrit59: 60-0035 BD. Many thanks to Claudio Toselli.
Gerrit59: 61-0014. Flap sections fell off shortly after takeoff at Tinker AFB Nov 1, 2012. Aircraft damaged but landed safely, no injuries.
Gerrit59: 58-0258
Gerrit59: 86-0102
Gerrit59: 59-2570
Gerrit59: 59-2599
Gerrit59: 57-6501
Gerrit59: 60-0010. "Smaug's revenge".
Gerrit59: 61-0029 BD
Gerrit59: B-52G Take off. Nice shot! Photo by Joe Cupido
Gerrit59: Crew Chief box. Photo by Joe Cupido
Gerrit59: Overview of Castle AFB, California. Photo by Joe Cupido
Gerrit59: 57-6484. During takeoff from Lording AFB, Limestone, Maines on December 28 1984, the front landing gear of 57-6484 collapsed due to a switch being improperly misplaced. Aircraft eventually fixed and flew again under the name "Phoenix"
Gerrit59: 57-6506
Gerrit59: 58-0193. “Iron Maiden”
Gerrit59: 55-0072. 7 BW deployment at U-Tapao RTAFB, Thailand