german_long: #24 Londres
german_long: London Tube XXII...
german_long: Tower Bridge, London
german_long: Gatwick waiting...
german_long: Great Maze Pond...
german_long: Blue London Eye...
german_long: London is Calling....
german_long: Taxi......
german_long: Just Abbey Road...
german_long: London Tube XXXVI....
german_long: Just a red bus...
german_long: Panoramic London Night.....
german_long: Telephone...
german_long: El Gran Ben...
german_long: London Streets....
german_long: Rest in Peace Karl Marx - Karl Marx Grave, Highgate Cemetery, London
german_long: The Mall, Londres, UK
german_long: London Tube XXXIV...
german_long: Picadilly Circus, London
german_long: Property of National Trust...
german_long: Londres, UK
german_long: Londres, UK
german_long: Dog...
german_long: Trails on London Eye
german_long: Green Park, London, UK
german_long: Green Park, London, UK
german_long: Telephone, London, UK
german_long: London Eye
german_long: Parlament, London, UK
german_long: London Eye