Gerlanda: Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars - Les Brown
Gerlanda: bright curiosity
Gerlanda: simplicity and elegance
Gerlanda: gentle August rain
Gerlanda: shifting focus 2/3
Gerlanda: light on
Gerlanda: winter is coming
Gerlanda: afternoon walk
Gerlanda: Beauty of fall(ing)
Gerlanda: Selfdefense or just in need of a hug
Gerlanda: Tangled
Gerlanda: growth rings
Gerlanda: anyone some lettuce?
Gerlanda: Let's dive
Gerlanda: Morningdew
Gerlanda: embrace the moment
Gerlanda: covered
Gerlanda: or melting and staring back at you
Gerlanda: blank spaces: more than nothing
Gerlanda: green :)
Gerlanda: a fresh start
Gerlanda: zomerkoninkjes: cover me in sunshine
Gerlanda: unwind
Gerlanda: spider web season started officially